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Lab grown diamonds vs natural diamonds : The Bling Battle!

In a world where innovation knows no bounds, even the most precious gems are getting a technological makeover. Lab-grown diamonds have been making headlines, leaving many intrigued and eager to learn more. Are they the future of fine jewellery, and should you consider them as an investment? In this sparkling journey, we'll explore the ins and outs of lab-grown diamonds, how they're made, their potential as investments, and whether they outshine their natural counterparts.

diamond earrings, ring and pendant

What Is a Lab-Grown Diamond? 

Imagine a diamond created in a laboratory under controlled conditions, with the same dazzling brilliance as one mined from deep within the Earth. That's a lab-grown diamond! These diamonds are formed using advanced techniques that replicate the natural diamond-growing process. They share the same chemical, physical, and optical properties as natural diamonds.

How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?

 Creating lab-grown diamonds is no walk in the park, but it's certainly fascinating. High-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) are the two primary methods used. HPHT mimics the conditions deep within the Earth, while CVD involves growing diamonds on a substrate. These processes, backed by cutting-edge technology, result in beautiful, sparkling diamonds.


Do lab-created diamonds test as real? Can a jeweller tell the difference?

A lab-grown diamond can pass simple tests as a natural diamond simply because both share the same chemical and physical properties. However, an honest professional jeweller will tell you that to run a proper test, you need to send the stone to a geological lab. A professional gemologist can tell the difference only by using expensive equipment that tests the diamond fluorescence.

Above all, the main difference is their origin. While earth-created diamonds grow naturally beneath the earth’s crust, lab diamonds grow in highly controlled laboratory environments using advanced technological processes that duplicate those conditions.

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds a Good Investment?

 One of the burning questions surrounding lab-grown diamonds is whether they make for solid investments. While they offer some advantages, such as a lower initial cost, it's important to remember that the diamond market is complex. Natural diamonds have a long history and a finite supply, making them a symbol of rarity and luxury. However, lab-grown diamonds can be manufactured in potentially unlimited quantities similar to any manufactured product, thus they are not finite and cannot be considered rare. Consider your objectives carefully when deciding.

The difference in resale value between natural and lab-grown diamonds is even greater than the difference in price. While natural diamonds often retain around 50% of their initial value, lab-created diamonds are almost impossible to resell without accepting pennies on the dollar. You lose a massive percentage of its value the moment you make the purchase.

Will Natural Diamonds Lose Their Value? 

This is the million-dollar question. While lab-grown diamonds are gaining popularity, it's unlikely that natural diamonds will lose their value entirely. Natural diamonds hold a timeless allure, and their rarity ensures their continued significance in the world of fine jewelry. However, the demand for lab-grown diamonds may influence pricing dynamics in the natural diamond market over time.

rough natural diamond

Are lab-grown diamonds considered Synthetic diamonds?

In 2018 the federal trade commission announced that Lab-grown diamonds are not considered synthetic diamonds nor diamond simulants, unlike cubic zirconia and moissanite. The market should sell these diamonds as real diamonds, with a disclaimer regarding their lab-grown origin. In August 2020, the GIA announced they will grade lab diamonds as well, remove the word “synthetic” from the certificate, and write “Laboratory-grown diamonds” instead.

diamond GIA certificate

Are natural diamonds higher quality than lab-grown diamonds?

The colours and clarities of diamonds vary according to their created conditions. This is true for both natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds. For that reason, we can find both in all qualities. In addition, while we have zero control over the conditions in nature, we do have some control over the conditions in labs. In many cases, it enables us to grow higher-quality diamonds than the average quality of natural diamonds.

diamonds price list

*Please note that these are just estimates and can vary from seller to seller.

What Should You Buy: Natural Diamond or Lab-Grown Diamond?

The choice between a natural diamond and a lab-grown one depends on your personal preferences and priorities. Natural diamonds are steeped in history and luxury, while lab-grown diamonds offer eco-friendliness and affordability. Consider factors like budget, environmental concerns, and sentimental value when making your decision. There's no one-size-fits-all answer.

However, When purchasing a lab-grown diamond, ensure it comes with reputable certifications that verify its quality. Certifications provide transparency and can impact the potential future value of the diamond.


In the sparkling world of diamonds, lab-grown gems are carving out a unique place. They offer a modern twist on an age-old tradition, sparking intriguing conversations about value, investment, and environmental responsibility. As you consider your next diamond purchase, remember that whether you choose a natural or lab-grown diamond, what truly matters is the beauty and sentiment it holds for you. The choice is yours. Diamonds, no matter their origin, are forever.


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